
Self-guided workshop to understand how to start losing weight…

even when you’ve tried EVERYTHING and nothing is working!

ONLY $47

If you’re constantly thinking about losing weight…

you’ve tried ALL THE THINGS and nothing is working…

and you’re not sure what to do next

This workshop is for you, lady!

We’ve helped hundreds of women lose weight when nothing else was working!

And ya know the crazy part?

Sometimes it’s just 1 or 2 simple tweaks that change everything.

(Full transparency, sometimes it’s NOT a simple tweak and it takes a lot of work).

But my first step with every single client is always the same…


9 times out of 10…

we’re doing things that don’t solve the real problem.

And that’s why it’s not working.

When we’ve battled our weight for a long time…

we’ve tried a variety of approaches…

and heard so many different ideas and diet philosophies…

we become distracted from THE THING that will actually get us a result.

There are no flashy fat loss secrets

No hidden wisdom or berry from the rainforest that unlocks your dream body.

We all have to put in the work. 

But we can work smarter, not harder. 

Once we have clarity on where to focus our efforts.

If you’re ready for a major BREAKTHROUGH on your health and fitness journey…

grab access to this 2 part workshop.

I felt like I was doing everything to try and lose weight…

>> Fasting

>> Keto

>> Paleo

>> Supplements & Shakes

but it was actually something no one was talking about in any popular diets or programs that finally got me to my happy weight.

This is the training I wish I had!!!


You’ll receive an assignment via email to complete before watching the 2 video lessons.

Don’t worry, it’s nothing crazy. 

But it will give you important insights to uncover the truth about what’s keeping you stuck.