OMG, I’m so pumped to help you break free from diets forever!!!!


Look for your confirmation email titled “Freedom from diets coming right up”

This email contains your Zoom access and pre-workshop assessment.

If you don’t see it in the next 5 minutes, check your spam or promotions folder. Or, use the search bar to type Freedom from diets or type

If you still do not see the email, please email us at and let us know. You will NEED this email.


Step 2

Mark Your Calendar!

Girl, we both know you’re busy! And whatever doesn’t get marked as an appointment on that calendar of yours…

doesn’t happen ;-)

So pencil in Tuesday, Aug 22nd @ noon EST.

Write Freedom from diets, write Taking back my body, write Finally - forever fat loss

I don’t care what ya write to block the time, just block it!!