If losing weight is getting harder with each passing year…

join us for our FREE webinar

Help, My Old Tricks to Lose Weight Aren’t Working

How Women Over 35 Can Lose 20+ lbs and KEEP It Off


Limited time only.

    If this sounds familiar…

    I used to just…

    Drop carbs and lose 15 lbs.

    Do some cardio and lose 10 lbs.

    Now, I have MORE to lose than ever before. And when I try, nothing happens or it’s painfully slow!

    It feels like I’m losing the battle with the scale and I’ll be stuck at this weight forever.

    Or worse, I’ll keep gaining!

    Your body is NOT broken.

    But, you do need a new approach for this season of life!

    Hey lady, my name is Nikki.

    I’m a nurse and a health coach.

    And I’ve helped hundreds of women lose weight when NOTHING else was working.

    I’m going to show you 4 shifts you MUST make

    to lose weight in your 40s, 50s, 60s, and 70s!

    Yes, these shifts work…

    >> in menopause

    >> with thyroid and hormonal issues

    >> when stress is through the roof

    >> even if you have autoimmune issues

    >> and when NOTHING else is working