In case you’re wondering who the heck I am…
I did everything I was supposed to do to have a “good life” but…
something was still missing.
Hey lady, it’s Nikki O’Dea.
I did NOT always feel like I was living my best life. I am by nature a fairly happy and grateful person. But, like many women, I set off on the path I was “supposed” to take and it didn’t lead where I thought it would.
I got married, had kids, and became a nurse. I enjoyed that entire process but when I got where I was aiming I quickly felt like something was missing.
I wasn’t unhappy. I just felt like I was being pulled in a million directions.
I wasn’t taking care of my health like I should, and it showed! And I knew with all the hours I was working and the stress I was under, I wasn’t enjoying the time with my family like I wanted to.
I wanted to be fully present and live in the moment, but I couldn’t!
I was always counting down until the next stretch of days off. Or until summer when I didn’t have to rush after work to get the kids off to school. Or until the kids went back to school so I could sleep during the day (I was working nights).
I was working my a$% off and I felt like I didn’t have much to show for it.
Like many women in my situation do, I jumped down the personal development rabbit hole. Which is fun and inspiring, but I quickly realized, learning all of this changes nothing without implementation.
And even though I was implementing what I was learning for my health, my mindset, and structuring my life in a more intentional way…
it was taking a really long time!!!
I was also watching the women around me struggle with the same issues that I was starting to overcome.
This is when I discovered the world of coaching and how it provides a huge shortcut in getting from point A to point B!
I’m now obsessed with helping women step into the best version of themselves and their life, and do it with less wasted time and struggle.
It took me entirely too long to course-correct the ship I was slowly sinking on. It was absolutely worth the time and effort it took to get to the life I’m living now. But if we can streamline this process, why not do it?!
Is my life perfect? No, but that’s not really the goal anyway.
It’s perfectly imperfect but I have more time, more connection, more purpose, and more health than at any other time in my life.
Sure, peri-menopause and having young adult children is creating a few curves in the road for me. But I am embracing these changes and I’m excited to write this next chapter of my life.
I finally feel like I’m right where I’m meant to be in every facet of life. It’s very freeing and I want you to experience this too!
I want to show you how to embrace the phase you are currently in. To enjoy the moments NOW, while also looking forward to what the future brings, instead of dreading it.
One thing that I’ve learned along the way is that women need to be in connection with other women who have similar goals and values and who want to bravely conquer life!
So, if you’re ready for change like that, I can’t wait to work with you inside the Membership. Where we’re locking arms and making midlife our best season yet!