Ah, that feeling when you button your favorite pair of jeans…

and they fit like a glove!

No rolls, no bulges, no sucking it in…

they just glide right on!

I know what you’re thinking because I use to think it myself.

“I don’t have time to get there - my body will never get back to that place - I can never be consistent enough to lose that much.”

Guess what…

you CAN get back to this place! And the journey there may be totally different than you think.


All the ideas that just rolled through your mind about what you think you have to do to lose weight are LIES. The old tricks to losing weight that we’ve all tried over and over with crummy results aren’t really designed to keep weight off.

If you’re feeling frustrated with your inability to stick with a plan, to portion control, to effectively count calories, it’s not your fault lady!

If you’re ready, I can show you simple but effective steps to lose fat while increasing your energy and mood. And it doesn’t require living on rabbit food or spending endless hours in the gym! Sound good?


Let me take the guess work out for you

and help you get on a plan that is designed to lose weight without the torture but also - to keep it off!

No more gimmicks that waste time and money or trying to trick your body into losing weight, because that just doesn’t work.

And no more trying to implement intense plans that are impossible to fit into your busy life.

You can’t spend hours each week in the gym or the kitchen, I get that…because I had to lose my own weight while working and raising kids too. And so do all of my clients.

You need something that works into your life

not that puts your life on hold.


If you’re ready to get back in the clothes you really want to wear…

let me pull it all together for ya! So you can step into a plan that works and let out a big sigh of relief knowing you’re on the right track.

Keep It Off Academy

12 week signature program

Let get you off the diet roller-coaster and back into the clothes you really want to wear

~ with confidence!

The only weight loss program that is customized to fit your unique needs, lifestyle, likes, and dislikes.

So this time, you KEEP the weight off.


How it works:

We kick things off with a personal strategy session where we’ll come up with a plan that fits your life and your needs.

You will gain access to The Academy which contains everything you need to know about real weight loss.

We will have a call once a week to continue making tweaks and give you all the support and accountability you need to finally get results that last!

Not quite ready to jump in?

Head on over to the Resource Library where you’ll find several helpful freebies to get you started on your journey.